Thank you very much for booking a lesson with me, here are some questions for you…

Please email me your answers to the following questions to help me design and structure your makeup lesson, to ensure you get the very best out of your time with me.

  • Name & mobile number
  • Email address
  • Where did you hear about Mel England Makeup?
  • If via internet search, what did you type into Google?
  • What is your usual makeup routine?
  • What makeup products do you usually use?
  • How would you describe your skin type?
  • Do you suffer from any known skin allergies?
  • Do you wear contact lenses?
  • What colour are your eyes?
  • What colour is your hair?
  • What colour is your skin tone?
  • How would you describe your makeup skill level?
  • How would you describe what you would like to learn during your lesson?
  • What are your hopes/expectations for your makeup lesson experience?
  • What are your fears/concerns regarding your makeup lesson?
  • Do you own a lot of makeup?
  • What are your favourite products?
  • What age are you?