The Sober Experiment
Protected: 30-Day Supported Experiment Members’ Area
Welcome to our private members’ area. We are excited that you have decided to experiment with sobriety and we are looking forward to sharing your journey. If at any point you feel you need extra support along the way. please be proactive and contact us at We are all yours for 30 days, so feel free to make the most of it.
Daily Inspirational Videos, Activities and Access to the Private Facebook Group
You will receive daily emails to supplement the activities in your workbook. You should also consider joining our Private Facebook Group as an extra support.
“You get clarity as you get sober”
Congratulations On Joining Our 30-Day Supported Sober Experiment!
We sometimes don’t realize how often we drink alcohol, or, how much we depend on that nightly glass of wine or beer. While drinking in moderation isn’t all bad, taking one month off will positively impact your future drinking choices. With just 30 days off, a whole new world could open up for you. The 30-day mark is only the beginning — but already a number of positive changes will become very apparent. You could find yourself losing a few extra pounds, you will feel happier, have more energy, brighter skin and get a better night’s sleep. When you reach 30 days sober, you will notice a definite improvement in your mood, with a more positive outlook on life and a renewed sense of purpose. Studies have also shown that giving up for just one month could have positive long-term health benefits by reducing the number of drinking days later in the year.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for choosing the Sober Experiment to support you through your sober journey. May we wish you all the luck and love in the world.
After just 30 days off alcohol, you will start to notice the financial benefits and feel a sense of achievement having already abstained for one whole month.
To get started, click on the images below to download or purchase the journal on Amazon for £6.99 by clicking here.
The pros to drinking alcohol and the pros to not drinking alcohol. OK, let’s be real. If you didn’t think there would be any pros to drinking then you would never do it and if you didn’t think there would be any pros to not drinking then you wouldn’t be here either. We want you to be really honest with yourself here and list everything you think is good about drinking and everything you think will be good about not drinking. There is method in this madness – we promise. It’ll give you a really good idea of where you are and the reason you choose to drink.
To watch today’s video click here.
Expect the unexpected! In the first few days and weeks of stopping drinking, it seems to be all you can think about! Ever bought a red car and suddenly all you see is red cars? Day two is about identifying the times you would normally reach for a drink and formulating an action plan for what you will do when the wine witch comes calling! Preparation is key so you don’t get caught off guard. These don’t have to be huge activities, simply walking into another room to pour yourself a non-alcoholic drink can be enough to stop a craving in its tracks. Today is also a good day for a selfie – send it to us if you are brave!
To watch today’s video click here.
Sobriety and sleep. How amazing is a good night’s sleep? When was the last time you had a truly rested sleep, unbroken and long. After sleep we always feel better and sleep is proven to impact your physical and mental health. At some point within the next week (it may already have happened), you are going to experience your best night’s sleep in ages. This is because alcohol impacts sleep. Ever just been tired after a night out. That is actually a hangover from the alcohol messing with your sleep! Get ready for the sleep of your life and let us know when it happens.
To watch today’s video click here.
How Alcohol is sold to you! Birthday cards, TV shows, sexy models having a beer, and “funny” signs like “one prosecco, two prosecco, three prosecco, floor” to hang in the kitchen are just some of the ways the alcohol industry sucks you in. Look around and take notice of all the ways you are drawn in and all the ways alcohol is normalised. Did you know that alcohol is an anaesthetic and used to be used in surgery until it was finally banned in the 1970s for being too toxic? Hmmmmm – strange!
To watch today’s video click here.
To watch today’s video click here.
To watch today’s video click here.
To watch today’s video click here.
To watch today’s video click here.
To watch today’s video click here.
To watch today’s video click here.
To watch today’s video click here.
To watch today’s video click here.
To watch today’s video click here.
To watch today’s video click here.
To watch today’s video click here.
To watch today’s video click here.
To watch today’s video click here.
To watch today’s video click here.
To watch today’s video click here.
To watch today’s video click here.
To watch today’s video click here.
To watch today’s video click here.
To watch today’s video click here.
To watch today’s video click here.
To watch today’s video click here.
To watch today’s video click here.
To watch today’s video click here.
To watch today’s video click here.
To watch today’s video click here.
To watch today’s video click here.