Make-up for Hooded Eyes

Make-up for Hooded Eyes

I am a Harrogate Make-up Artist who specialises in bridal make-up and make-up lessons and a really common eye shape I come across in my clients is a ‘hooded eye’.  In fact I have slightly hooded eyes myself.  I didn’t used to.  But as I’ve got older my eye shape has...
Ariane Poole Make-up

Ariane Poole Make-up

I am very proud of the fact that I only recommend makeup that I truly believe in – after ten years in the makeup industry I have used a lot of different brands and I have cherry picked the very best to use on my clients. I came across the Ariane Poole makeup brand a...
Confidence Boost: Personal Stylist

Confidence Boost: Personal Stylist

I’ve just spent the weekend in Dublin with 8 lovely book club friends, which was so much fun (love Dublin!) We all got talking about how much we dislike packing for trips away because we never know what to pack or what to wear – which lead to a mutual agreement by all...
Eyelid Primers

Eyelid Primers

As a Professional Makeup Artist I am a big fan of eyelid primers so I thought I’d talk a little bit about which ones I like best and why. I find my clients often skip this step with their make-up routine, but it can make all the difference in the world in how...
Makeup Mishaps

Makeup Mishaps

I was doing my makeup this morning and realised I was doing my usual weird ‘applying mascara face’ and I realised I had to do a blog sharing some of my tips for avoiding makeup mishaps! AVOIDING MASCARA SPLODGES How to avoid mascara mishaps: squint your eyes and pull...
Pretty In Pink Makeup

Pretty In Pink Makeup

I recently created the make-up look for a shoot for The Yorkshire Post with the students from the Northern Ballet Academy, to mark their graduation as they leave Leeds to continue their dance studies across the country. Our theme was the fresh, LA-preppy and...